Sacred Yoni Circle

What is a Yoni?

Yoni, a Sanskrit word for womb or source; also meaning vaginal portal.

How does talking about vaginas in general make you feel? What stirs within? How connected are you to your vagina? Stay with me…

Women have been taught to be ashamed of our bodies and our sexuality. The same energy part of our body that is used to create and sustain life, we are also told is dirty, shameful, ugly, and something to be hidden away or only reserved for the pleasure of a partner, even when that pleasure does not take us and our bodies into consideration. When a woman dares to embrace the power of her sensuality or sexuality, she is demonized and labeled as all sorts of unkindnesses. The expression of this aspect of a woman is labeled as taboo due to the fears and misconceptions of female sexuality and power.

Cultural commodification and objectification have also reinforced the idea that a woman’s worth lies in her body and her appearance. In media, and pop culture, harmful narratives are perpetuated; in advertising, movies, and even literature, we are sold unrealistic ideals of beauty and sexuality, which has fostered unhealthy dynamics within ourselves and sisterhood that lead to self-hate, competition, judgement, and comparison between women. Overcoming this conditioning and rewriting this narrative begins with returning to our bodies and reclaiming them as our own; reclaiming them as sacred.

When was the last time you felt you were in your power? Do you feel connected or disconnected to your womb? Do you feel sensual in your body? How often do you pleasure yourself? Are you connected to your creativity? Do you feel worthy of having a voice and taking up space?

In my energy practice, I have found a very high percentage of women are disconnected from their womb space and their throat chakras for the very reasons written above. I am listening to the call to gather with women, heal our sacred feminine, and find our voices once again; together as we shed our armor and remember how to trust, support, and celebrate ourselves and each other again. The Sacred Yoni Circle is the manifestation of this calling.

This Sacred Yoni Circle is an intimate 6 month container which will serve as a nourishing ritual, supporting reconnection to our bodies and feminine centers- the space of manifestation, creative energy, and power. This is a space to gather and repair our connection to self and sisterhood as we reunite with our womb spaces and remember the magic within. This Sacred Yoni Circle is open to all women. We meet once a month at my home studio for 90 minutes and we begin on the lunar new year!

What to expect:

  • Welcome opening with topic discussion and shares

  • Choose an intention to carry with you on your steaming journey

  • Steam our yonis together in circle for 20-30 minutes as we meditate (we will have long skirts to wear as we sit on a stool with an opening where the steam rises to our yoni portals)

  • Give our steaming herbs to Mother Earth as our offering

  • Share any insights and experiences we wish, while holding space for each other

  • If you are on your moon cycle, you can still sit and allow your sacred blood to flow without steam


  • 1 in-person group yoni steam each month

  • Custom herbal yoni blend created for your specific needs

  • Hand-made wooden yoni stool to take home with you

  • The Yoni: Sacred Symbol of Female Creative Power (book)

  • Herbal yoni steaming recipes to use on your own

  • Suggested exercises and literature to deepen your connection to your divine feminine

  • Sisters that are ready to sit in ritual and own their power and support you in yours

Steaming Benefits:

  • Reduce menstrual cramps, headache, & bloating

  • Regulate menstrual period cycles

  • Reduce brown and black bleeding

  • Increase fertility

  • Increases the rate of postpartum recovery

  • Reduce blood clots during menstruation

  • Relaxing & meditative

  • Shrink fibroids & cysts

  • Increase libido & natural lubrication

  • Tonifies vaginal tissue & leaky boundaries

  • Helps with hormonal imbalance

  • Soothing & healing after childbirth

  • Relieve hemorrhoid pains and discomfort

  • Cleanse and release deeply held trauma

  • Re-connect with your divine feminine

Steaming Contraindications:

  • Currently bleeding

  • You have an active UTI

  • You are pregnant

  • You have an active infection, open sores, or irritation

  • After ovulation, if you are trying to conceive

Dates/ Times:

Wednesday, January 29th (Lunar New Year) 6:30pm-8pm

Wednesday, February 26th 6:30pm-8pm

Wednesday, March 26th 6:30pm-8pm

Wednesday, April 23rd. 6:30pm-8pm

Wednesday, May 28th 6:30pm-8pm

Wednesday, June 25th 6:30pm-8pm



($850 paid in full, or $150 auto payment for 6 months via subscription)